
New Addition

My sister Lacey had her baby this morning! Miller Nathan Page came in at 8 lbs, 20 inches long and looks like he might be a cute little red-head!


Some favorites

It has been quite a while since my last post... but alas, the holidays are over (except new years of course) and I am ready to rejoin the blogging world. I will have lots of fun holiday pictures and stories to share in good time but for now, I wanted to share some of my favorite new websites for clothes. Some of you may already know them, but they are new to me and I really love some their stuff.

  • Modcloth can be a little overwhelming with the volume of items available but they have some really cute stuff and a lot of their selection is reasonably priced

  • Ruche is a more comfortable price range for me, and they too have some adorable pieces. Their shoes especially are really cute and completely affordable

Well I hope you all had a lovely holiday and I wish you the best for 2010!


New Moon....New Low

New Moon is bad. No, really. It's honestly the most ridiculously cheeseball and over-the-top melodrama I may have ever seen. Megan and I were giggling through a lot of it. It's just so blatantly horrible-romance-novel dialogue (about 10 too many lines of "You are my only reason for living") and between the shirtless underage boys, predictable smell-the-fart acting from Edward and Bella, and Edwards floating head through most of it, it's just embarrassing. And I actually liked the first movie--I didn't love it--but I liked it.

Perhaps the reason I didn't like New Moon is because I don't love the books. So if you like the books, the movie is a pretty accurate portrayal. It shows a really weak teenage girl who apparently can't be happy unless she has a boyfriend. Oh and she literally can't survive unless she has a guy there to protect her. And my favorite aspect, the only way she can be happy is to change herself to be like the guy she loves. A really great role model for teenage girls...

Anyway, back to the movie...It wasn't all bad. I really liked the soundtrack, and the sequence with Victoria was really cool. The werewolves are a nice balance to the vampires and bring a little more warmth to a lot of the scenes. Charlie was good. Dakota Fanning was probably the best actor in the whole thing but she only had a few lines. The scenes in Italy were a nice change of pace and there were some funny moments--mostly provided by Bella's high school friends. And it was just fun to be a part of the hype and fanfare. But there were a lot of really bad moments. The scene where Edward is about to reveal himself in the square and you can see that they had to use makeup to give him muscle definition, and the absolute pinnacle of cheeseball was a flash-forward moment from Alice--I honestly thought I might have fallen asleep and was dreaming because no one in their right mind would show that and not be joking (you'll know it when you see it). I think the idea behind the Twilight series is great. A girl falling for a vampire, it's creative and fun. But I guess it's just the fact that the central relationship drives me crazy is why I can't wrap my brain around why this is so popular.

Sorry to offend anyone, to each their own. I'm sure sitting next to Megan, who was laughing about half the time, didn't help :) I know plently of people in my theater really liked it.


Picture tag

Okay I was supposed to do the 10th picture in our first picture folder, but that was a boring one from Brody's mission, so I did the first photo in the tenth folder. This is us at the Demolition Derby in Kamas, red-necking it up. These were taken in July of 08. It was a great time, and produced some great pictures and I couldn't pass up the chance to post more....


Can't Wait

I am so excited to see this! The trailer is amazing and I think we all have fond memories of reading this classic as a child. Oh and if you are wondering what the song is it's "Wake Up" by The Arcade Fire.

I couldn't have that nasty zit video be the first thing people saw when they looked at the blog


This is honestly the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. Seriously it's so much grosser than you can possibly imagine, so if you have a strong gag reflex please don't watch. I really debated whether I should even post it, but it's just so unbelievable that I couldn't help myself. Oh and the girl with the camera drops the f-bomb towards the end... so maybe put it on mute if that is going to offend you.

You can't say I didn't warn you....



I was on a complete HGTV kick this past weekend, and may I just say that Candice Olson's designs truly are DEVINE. Well, all these home decorating, renovating shows, etc. got me thinking about owning a house someday. So yesterday I wandered onto the Utah Real Estate website and did a little dream house shopping to pass the time--very fun, but a little depressing. I finally settled on this little gem, but would prefer it in a different location...riiiiiight.


Yes, this could be yours for a mere $1.8 million dollars. It is a fun way to pass the time when bored though...


because I love making fun of the Book....

...even though I'm still on it....


Things that must go

1. The Utah/BYU rivalry---I cannot stand it. People make complete morons out of themselves over this stupid rivalry. I HATE it. I am using the word HATE to describe how much I can't stand it. Honestly, it brings out the very worst in people. I mean there is nothing wrong with cheering for your team. Great. I get it. but cheering against a team that you aren't even playing? How dumb do you have to be to not realize that their success makes the entire conference look better? I remember several times growing up as a small child coming home from school on or near game day balling because other kids were mean to me because I was 'cheering' for BYU. I dreaded it every year, regardless of who won. They were ruthless. My dad went to the U and my mom went to BYU so we weren't raised to hate anyone because of a school that they cheer for. And I'm not saying that one school's fans are worse than the other. All the fans that take this stupid thing to the extreme are equally STUPID.

2. Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus-- Is it just me or do their voices make you want to scratch your eyes out? Not too mention that I think its ridiculous that all these pre-pubescent teenagers are already dressing like mini-prostitutes. Please look at this picture that miley cyrus took of herself.

3. Football season---Alright I'll admit I enjoy watching a game or two of teams I actually give a crap about. But when it's Saturday and I have to skip from eight different games, seven of which I couldn't care less about, for hours on end... it's just too much.

4. Guys thinking they are smarter than the commentators-- I know commentators can be annoying but there is a reason they are getting paid to do what they do and you are sitting on your couch listening. It really makes me want to laugh when a group of guys (of all ages) sit and talk about how much more they know about football than the announcers when the most they ever played was high school. Please.

5. Jon & Kate-- They are both despicable and need to stop. Now.

5. Huge life decisions-- I just hate having to make these.

6. Mondays--so gross.

Sorry if I seemed a little harsh but it's how I feel, and sometimes it's just nice to write it down.


The Hunger Games

Last weekend, I read two books. Yes, two books. I had been looking for a new book to read when some lovely friends of mine suggested "The Hunger Games" by Susan Collins. I picked it up on the way home from work on Friday at Barnes and Noble.

I was done by about 2:00 the next day.

That night I went back to Barnes and Noble and bought "Catching Fire", which I finished Monday around noon.

I know you must be on the edge of your seat wondering what these books could possibly be about to inspire such nerdiness. Well, the story takes place far into the future, after civilization has reached major technology and inevitably amrageddon/nuclear fallout/end of world. Of course, there were survivors and they had rebuilt a nation--The Capitol city with 13 districts. During the history of this nation, the 13th district rebelled and there was a war, and basically they got destroyed. So to remind citizens of the power the Capitol has over all the districts and what happened to 13, they have the Hunger Games.

A boy and a girl between the ages of 12 and 18 from each of the 12 districts is selected by lottery to participate in the games. The 24 'tributes' as they are called, are placed in an arena and basically they have to kill or be killed. Whoever is left standing wins. And of course there are endless strategies, tactics, sub-plots, etc. I know, it sounds horrific--and it is--but it's a great book.

I really liked the creativity of the plot and the commentary on society. It was refreshing to see a female lead character who can actually fend for herself without the desperate need for a man to take care of her (*cough*twilight*cough), who wasn't an annoying martyr, and who had her own ideas/opinions/independence. Who isn't fragile and weak. Who doesn't become depressed or suicidal when she is away from her boyfriend.


Sorry Laundry...

You are going to have to wait your turn. Tomorrow there are too many things I want to watch when I get off work.

First: Melanie Oudin vs. Caroline Wozniaki. Isn't it a wonder what a little passion can do for tennis? Love her competitiveness, although the fact that she's only 17 makes me feel really unaccomplished...

Second: But definitely not less exciting, the premier of Glee on Fox. This show looks amazing, one need only see this amazing promo to see why I am so excited for this show. Not to mention I was in Glee in Jr. high


Baby Blues

Look at the blue eyes on my sweet little nephew, Connor. Amazing. Such a little cutie pie! Thanks for letting me take his picture sister!


500 Days of Summer

Katherine and I also went t see 500 Days of Summer, it was lovely and one of the best "boy meets girl" movies I've seen in a long time (I don't like the term 'Romantic Comedy'). Here is a clip of one of the greatest parts of the movie, except it's missing my favorite little snippet.

The soundtrack is also AMAZING.


Alpine Sliding

Recently, my dear friend Katherine came to visit from Modesto for about a week and a half, it was SO fun to see her and hang out with one of my favorite chicas de noche! Neither of us had ever ridden the Alpine slide, so we took a beautiful Saturday afternoon to experience a Park City classic. Then, we rode the new Alpine Coaster which was a lot better as it went faster than 5 miles an hour. I think that was ms my personal favorite, Katherine's was riding the "crooked shaft" track on the slide over and over. All in all it was a wonderful afternoon, capped off by the best Bruschetta ever at Red Rock.

Riding the lift....

Sitting in our little cart-things


Love Birds Bridal Shower

Last week I threw a Bridal shower for my friend, soon-to-be Mrs. Lindsay Gwynn. I hope everyone had a lovely time, it was really fun for me to plan the Love Birds theme. Here are a few shots from the day. My personal favorites are the candids-of course.

Gotta love the Red Butte Pasta Salad
The Bride

Please note the expressions, & the gifts if you can see