The other day I was being forced to watch SportsCenter with a group of friends and LUCKILY Snoop Dogg was doing some celebrity guest commentating. Love it. Which led us to discuss what select celebrities you would be friends with if you had the chance. Here is a rough draft of my list in no particular order:
1. Jack Nicholson- He freaking owns hollywood. please.
2. Snoop- Constant entertainment
3. Oprah-no explanation needed.
4. The cast of Arrested Development- (it was too hard to just pick one)
5. Bobby Flay- I could eat at his restaurants for free.
6. Neil Diamond-Diamond is a girl's best friend after all...

Mrs. Neil Diamond.
I love your sense of humor. I can most definitely see you being best friends with all those peeps.
love your list, i know i already told you that, but it is always fun getting an email when you get comments on your blog! it makes you feel cool, well at least i do.
i would definitely hang with the arrested development cast...either george michael or dr tobias funke.
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