
Without Internets

We haven't had internet at our house since Thursday night. Comcast came yesterday afternoon to fix it, only to discover that they will need to run an entirely new cable to our apartment. So we probably won't have internet until maybe Wednesday....

It's been a sad realization over the last few days just how much we depend on the internets.  Several times throughout the day I would try to look something up on my phone, or want to watch something on Netflix or Hulu only to remember that I can't.  (I'm sure my 3G for the month is racking up quickly). On the plus side, I finished a book over the weekend, so that was nice.

It's kind of freeing this whole 'unplugged' thing...but that may just be me trying to convince myself that it's not as annoying and inconveniant as it really is.  So I apologize for the lack of posts. I'm having to do this from an alternate location, and for some reason I can't upload any pictures here. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Crazy how much you use the Internet! And our phones! I wouldn't know how to get any where without my phone or Internet!