
Some thoughts

1. I wonder what that guy who claimed the world was going to end today is feeling right about now... that's got to be pretty embarrassing but then, do crazy people feel embarrassment?
2. Can I pull off a maxi dress? They look so comfy
3. I would love to be a decorator someday, but I just don't see how that's going to happen anytime soon. Why, why BYU didn't you have a decorating program?
4. Am I the only person that is really really over the "Keep Calm and ____ On" posters? Except maybe this one :)

5. Has anyone read Tina Fey's new book Bossy Pants? I want to borrow it...
6. I don't know which TOMS to get...they are kind of killing me with these options, but I think I'm really going to need a pair to walk to the metro/office everyday in DC (and then switch to heels and be so 'Working Girl') which do you like best?

7. We watched Food Inc the other day. I don't think I will ever look at grocery store/fast food beef and chicken the same way again. I hope they don't take me to court for this blog post either...
8. I wish facebook had a dislike option
9. I am a little terrified of the humidity back East, this is going to be interesting for my hair situation
10. The mom on the Nutella commercial said that it's a healthy way to get her kids to eat breakfast, it must be good for me then right?
Saw this on pinterest and loved.



Lacey said...

Another though you forgot to put, how jealous you are of your sister who is in Hawaii! Hehe jk!
"beautiful, gorgeous, wish you were here!" anyway I like your thoughts, kind of like the boat shoe toms the best and LOVE the picture and words. Go JK Rowling!

Lacey said...

Oh and hello of course you can pull off a maxi dress, you are tall and gorgeous!

Lani said...

Love it! Hermione is my hero! I love all the shoes but my personal favorite is the burlap looking ones. I am sad she is leaving but I am also super excited!