

April Fools Day. I mean..... I guess I get it. It's carte blanche for basically being a bully? An excuse to literally make fools out of your family and friends?  I enjoy a prank as much as the next person but I guess I'm just a tenderheart when it comes to playing them on a single individual.  I prefer the mass-pranks like Google or The Onion are known for.  I'm awful at playing pranks on people. I'm that person who either laughs and can't keep a straight face, or just gives in and tells the person after 5 seconds.  I just don't particularly enjoy watching people suffer. I guess that's why I can't stand watching boxing or being in hospitals and rest homes--too much suffering. Case and point; my dad, Lani, Lacey and I were staying at our cabin one weekend, I think I was in high school at the time, and Lacey was working the closing shift at my dad's store in Kamas. So, my dad had the brilliant idea of giving her a little scare when she came home to the cabin.  He, Lani and I got in dark sweatshirts and drove one of the 4-wheelers out to the gate and hid ourselves and the 4-wheeler in a ditch.  I think my dad and Lani may have even been wearing ski masks.

I was already feeling guilty. 

When Lacey pulled up a little while later, she climbed out of the car to unlock the gate, the only light coming from her headlights.  And then we all ran out of the ditch at her screaming; a young girl, late at night, alone in the wilderness with three menacing shadows appearing out of nowhere.  And her face... I'll never forget the look on her face.  It was the only time I've ever seen sheer and utter terror as she screamed, scrambling to open her car door.  The whole time I was yelling "It's just us Lace! It's just us!" but she probably couldn't hear me over my dad's roar. And she finally realized who we were after a few heart-stopping moments. I felt so bad. Immediate regret. She, however, took in stride and wasn't even really that mad (I don't know if I would have been able to forgive us).  But I didn't find it particularly amusing or fun, I just felt bad. Even now, years later, I still feel bad about it.  I'm just no good at the pranks and am probably even worse at the receiving end.


Lacey said...

ha ha sister, this made my day. i will never forget that either. i hate pranks too, and seeing anyone suffering like you. that was pretty cruel what you guys did, you know how scary that was without someone screaming at you running in the dark. oh, good times.
PS we are trying to figure out a time when we can come out and see you, i can't wait!

Kat said...

oh that is horrible! Do you remember when vickie and I moved your car? I felt so bad about that...now I just think it was kindof funny :)