
Things that must go

1. The Utah/BYU rivalry---I cannot stand it. People make complete morons out of themselves over this stupid rivalry. I HATE it. I am using the word HATE to describe how much I can't stand it. Honestly, it brings out the very worst in people. I mean there is nothing wrong with cheering for your team. Great. I get it. but cheering against a team that you aren't even playing? How dumb do you have to be to not realize that their success makes the entire conference look better? I remember several times growing up as a small child coming home from school on or near game day balling because other kids were mean to me because I was 'cheering' for BYU. I dreaded it every year, regardless of who won. They were ruthless. My dad went to the U and my mom went to BYU so we weren't raised to hate anyone because of a school that they cheer for. And I'm not saying that one school's fans are worse than the other. All the fans that take this stupid thing to the extreme are equally STUPID.

2. Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus-- Is it just me or do their voices make you want to scratch your eyes out? Not too mention that I think its ridiculous that all these pre-pubescent teenagers are already dressing like mini-prostitutes. Please look at this picture that miley cyrus took of herself.

3. Football season---Alright I'll admit I enjoy watching a game or two of teams I actually give a crap about. But when it's Saturday and I have to skip from eight different games, seven of which I couldn't care less about, for hours on end... it's just too much.

4. Guys thinking they are smarter than the commentators-- I know commentators can be annoying but there is a reason they are getting paid to do what they do and you are sitting on your couch listening. It really makes me want to laugh when a group of guys (of all ages) sit and talk about how much more they know about football than the announcers when the most they ever played was high school. Please.

5. Jon & Kate-- They are both despicable and need to stop. Now.

5. Huge life decisions-- I just hate having to make these.

6. Mondays--so gross.

Sorry if I seemed a little harsh but it's how I feel, and sometimes it's just nice to write it down.


Patricia said...

aMEN, sister. i stopped going to the byu v. u games because people acted like idiots.

and i just found out a couple months ago that taylor swift is a girl. white the revelation.

jenna said...

AMEN. i love this post.

and is miley serious? i cant believe that.

Lacey said...

oh sister, you do sound harsh, but it is warranted, i agree with you on all of your points. it was so fun to see you yesterday!