
Things That Must Go Volume II - Social Media

Let me just start off this post with a blanket apology if I offend anyone. I'm sure I've been guilty of some or all of these at some point but sometimes I just can't handle, and I feel like it needs to be said and since this is my blog and I can say whatever I want, here goes...

Things that must go:
  1. Facebook status updates that are either super mundane and boring (i.e. So tired from the gym!) no one cares. Or updates that are just blatant cries for attention/validation. It's like the web has taken fishing for compliments to a whole other level. Stop with the back-door compliments.
  2. People who insist on talking about Politics. If I want to hear your views, I will ask.
  3. Facebook status updates that are ultra-personal (i.e. some weird suicidal song lyric) I really don't think the internet is the best venue to tell us all your deepest darkest emotions. You are making us uncomfortable and it makes you seem insincere.
  4. Feigned humility. If you have to start a sentence (or blog) with, 'this is going to make me sound so _____(vain, rude, racist, etc.) you just shouldn't say it. Just because you acknowledge that you are being _____ (vain, rude, racist, etc.) doesn't make it acceptable. We can see you through you. Really.
  5. Over-the-top PDA. If you have to tell your special someone that you love them on the world wide web, it makes the rest of us wonder why you can't just pick up a phone, or go to the next room and say it to their face. A little declaration of love is fine, but the constant stream of 'my _____ is the greatest, most thoughtful, spoils me with whatever I want, etc. etc. just makes it sound like you are trying to convince yourself. Not us.
  6. The fact that there isn't a 'dislike' option
  7. Twitter. Especially if you aren't a business or celebrity.
  8. The people that are just in it for the numbers. You know who I mean.
What are some of your biggest pet peeves?


Lacey said...

i couldn't agree more.
I feel like the worst are the stay at home moms who tell me on a status update how busy they are cleaning, doing laundry cooking dinner and whatever else they need to do and they are on the computer putting it on facebook ??? such an oxymoron if you ask me. Or the moms who tell us they accomplished all of those things just makes me feel like they aren't loved enough by their spouse and need to get the pat on the back via the social media. so annoying. thanks for saying what i have been thinking!

Toni S. Cook said...

I knew I liked you. You nailed this list on the head. So annoyed with social media overkill. Maybe I'm old school but twitter is ridiculous unless you are a celebrity or promoting a cause.
Can I also complain that I hate how people now use 'text-speak' (or whatever you want to call it) in serious emails? Enough with the abbreviations! No one will know how to spell or punctuate correctly! Anyway, just stopped by to check on your blog and you and the hubs look great as always! Hope life is treating you well!

jenna said...


although i partake in twitter and facebook so sue me. i try to keep my satuses as boring as humanly possible. would rather be boring then vain.

my ultimate pet peeve VAGUEBOOKING. i think we know a mutual friend who does this constantly.

'emergency room. glad that's over.'

'it's over.'

'the painnnn!!!'

'of course this happened.'


the list goes on and on. i always want to comment ot the other people PRYING for info...STOP!!! THIS IS WHY SHE POSTED THIS!!!!! ahhhh