
The Good, The Bad, and Mall Cops

This picture has nothing to do with this post, but there are times in life that are so unjust, you just have to go to your happy place. Mine looks something like this...

It started out as a wonderful Friday night. I was recently given a J. Crew gift card, so Katherine and I went up to the outlets to see what kind of President's Day sales were going on. There were some fabulous finds, great deals, and good times were had by all.

We walked back to the car thoroughly, and pleasantly retailed out.

Only to find that the car wasn't there...


It can't be.

Where is my car?!?!

I started to freak out a little bit. My initial thought being that it had been stolen, because there was no way it had been towed.

In a panick, and not having any clue what was going on or who to call (plus it was freezing by that time) we went back to J. Crew where the nice ladies working there told us that they had seen the security guard back there earlier snooping around. They called him, and when he arrived, he told me that he'd had my car towed because it was blocking the bus route.

Are you kidding me? There were zero No Parking signs, not a Bus Zone sign to speak of.

Then the super-helpful security guard gave me the phone number to the towing company and left. The towing company is a good 15 minute drive up Highway 40 from the outlets. Great. How are we supposed to get there, you took my car!?!?!?!

Luckily, (and honestly I think Katherine and I met our guardian angels last night), these two heaven-sent customers from J Crew offered us (complete strangers mind you) a ride to the tow yard. They even waited in the car while we went in to pay the $250 CASH-ONLY fine, just to make sure we got our car. Yes you read that correctly. $250 dollars cash. Weirdly enough, I didn't have that much on me at the time, but luckily they had an ATM at the towing place.

After begrudgingly forking over the dough, I finally got my car back and drove home, fuming the entire way and plotting how to best get my money back. I am seriously considering suing the outlets because there was absolutely no signage to say I couldn't park there. I even went back to the scene of the incident to take pictures.

Which takes me back to my island happy place.

All in all, I learned something last night. Yes, there are major d-bag mall cops in this world who have to get their jollies from going on a power trip, and that's just sad. And the injustice of it all made me a sick to my stomach for a few hours last night.

But more importantly, there are good people in this world too. I seriously cannot express how grateful I am to the girls who gave us a ride to the tow yard, and refused to even let me give them gas money. Who I can literally say are my heroes and I honestly don't know what we would have done without them. So thank you girls for restoring my faith in humanity. I guess when you think about it, $250 for restored faith in humanity isn't too bad.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

Linds. I had a similar experience after leaving a county fair. It took 3 cops (one of them a drunken narcotics officer), but we eventually got our cars for free. There were several of us there. BOOOOOOOO.