

If you never experienced the gorgeous, awe-inspiring, spectacle planet earth on the Discovery Channel, you really need to at least go rent it, if not purchase. It's amazing.

For those who have seen it, you are probably just as excited as I am for this Sunday's premiere of life. The previews are breathtaking and this next 11-part series, is narrated by a woman you may have heard of...


Am I a little nerdy for posting about this? Sure. But I'll take it. It really looks so incredible, I just love stuff like this.

I'm also really excited for The Blind Side to come out on DVD on Tuesday. I LOVED this movie, Sandra Bullock's character was fabulous and my new role model. This is one of a select group of movies that Brody and I both really really liked. Lots to look forward to!


Chad and Clair said...

Chad loves planet earth. He gets really excited too when he sees the commercial for the new ones! haha And they look pretty good to me too...so maybe a little nerdy, but we're in teh nerd boat with you. Oh and by the way, Katherine and I are both coming to Utah the beginning of May. So we want to get together the three of us and have lunch!

Lacey said...

i am also way excited for life and loved the blind side!