
What I've learned So Far

The last two weeks have been chock full of learning experiences for me. Not just with the actual move itself, but from living in a new city, new climate, new lifestyle, everything! Which is awesome, I love learning and experiencing new things.

  • Everything has reinforced our love/testimony of the gospel. It is amazing and so comforting to know that no matter where you go, you have a network of total strangers there to love and support you.
  • I can't drive here. Honestly, I was behind the wheel for maybe 45 seconds before I got pulled over (for allegedly rolling through a stop sign). Luckily the lady just felt bad for me and gave me a warning. But I've officially banned myself from driving in the District. It's INSANE. So many one-way streets, teeny tiny narrow lanes, crazy drivers, and lanes that change direction depending on what time of day it is! Seriously!
  • If you ever decide to move cross country, sell your tv first and just get a new one when you get there.
  • Humidity is disgusting!!! Well humidity makes me disgusting, haha! However, being sweaty and gross is exponentially less embarrassing when everyone else is too.
  • When it rains here, it pours. And I don't mean that in the metaphoric sense. I mean when it rained the other day, my shirt,pants, shoes were SOAKED and I even had an umbrella.
  • I have no idea how people survived before air conditioning. Seriously it blows my mind.
  • Women here dress slutty not to be slutty, but to survive in the horrific heat.
  • I love public transportation, but paying $200+/ month for parking makes me ill. We can't bring ourselves to do it. It also makes me realize how much I took for granted, grocery shopping without a car is no easy task
  • Everyone uses reusable grocery bags here because they charge you $0.15/bag if you want plastic ones.
  • IKEA furniture isn't that bad to assemble, slow and steady wins the race!
  • There are activists everywhere
  • Zara might be a problem, its amazing
  • I miss my large capacity washer and dryer
  • AT&T actually kind of works here, it's weird, we can actually receive phone calls in our apartment!
  • Being able to paint your apartment is great and all, except when the previous tenant paints crimson red on one wall, purple on another, and grass green in the bathroom and kitchen. Gag me. You'll see what I mean in some before and after pictures soon enough
  • Apparently Utah has some of the worse drivers in the country (from the words of the insurance agent) so our car insurance is cheaper here


Lacey said...

i wish you were here so we could go to lunch and discuss your big move. :( But i will call you again. i am sorry i didn't get your response call. i just want to talk to you and see how everything is going. Love you sis!

Kevin, Lani, Connor and Crew said...

It is amazing how just moving can teach you things and I love that also about the church it would make that much less intimidating.

Ali said...

We're glad you guys are here because we like you lots. Thanks for being our friends!