

Speaking of delicious food, today was the grand opening of Bobby's Flay's Burger Palace, just up the street from my office and a couple of the attorneys in my office bought a bunch of us lunch and it was wonderful. I got the Napa Valley burger, which had fresh goat cheese, watercress and Meyer lemon honey mustard. SO so good, and the sweet potato fries were fantastic as well.

The cherry on top? Bobby was there, in person, for big grand opening. You know I love a good celebrity sighting!


Lacey said...

ok, you know i am super jealous of this one!!! mostly of the food, but you got to see Bobby in person, no fair. how exciting! but hello where is the picture?

Ali said...

That burger looks amazing! Brian loves Bobby Flay. He's gonna be sad he missed him in person. For the longest time I thought his name was Bobby Fillet, and I always just thought to myself that that was a convenient last name for a chef. Turns out I was all wrong and now it's a funny joke.

Kat said...

hahaha you and bobby flay, i love it. so happy for your sighting ho :)

Melanie said...

Hi, My name is Melanie and I'm a friend of Lacey's who lives in DC (Well, Crystal City Virginia). Hope you are loving the area! If you ever want tips or some friends, let me know! I've been here for most of 6 years and know it pretty well.