
A Kindred Sprirt

I'm always on the hunt for a good design blog and I found a gem today, A Life Design, has gorgeous photos and inspiration for interiors, exteriors, architecture, etc. And her style seems to be very similar to mine -restrained, balanced - modern casual/coastal/country chic, if that even counts as a style. I love all the design blogs out there but sometimes it's nice to see more than ikat pillows, a chevron rug and a suburst mirror ya know? It's a little less trendy and a little more timeless which I love. As designer and architect John Saladino said, "I like to imply rather than be explicit. When you do that, you're hopefully designing somthing that won't embarrass you in 30 years."


Lacey said...


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! (I don't know if I've ever typed gosh!)... isn't that site amazing! One of my favs!